Here's what Michelle's recipe looks like, I made a few changes to mine based on what I had available. My changes are in purple.
- 1 Chicken Breast
- Approx. 4 T. Fresh Pesto (Michelle used this recipe or I bought some)
- Olive Oil cooking spray (or whatever kind you like)
- 1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella (I used cheddar, because I didn't have any mozz.)
- 1 can Crescent dough
- 1/4 C. Freshly grated Parmesan (I used Assiago)
1. Cover the chicken in 1 T. of Pesto and marinate for 15 minutes.
2. Warm a non stick skillet and spray with Olive oil cooking spray.
3. Cook the chicken for a few minutes on each side. I like to cut it in to pieces as it cooks so I can see exactly when it's done. Plus, then all sized get some of the yummy flavor. The pesto will for a nice crust and look a little something like this.4. Roll out your crescent dough on a cookie sheet.
5. Put a big pinch of mozzarella (cheddar) on each crescent, a dollop of pesto on top of that and a piece of chicken on top.
6. Roll each crescent and make sure the filling is covered.
7. Cover the top of each roll with shredded Parmesan (Assiago).
8. Bake according to crescent package instructions until golden brown.
I was a little skeptical when I pulled them out of the oven, because the smelled of the cooking Pesto was awful! But I'm a little over sensitive to smells and my hubby disagreed with me. So I dished them up and we dug in with a lettuce salad on the side. The Pesto Rolls were awesome and we'll definitely be making them again. Hubby says, "These are like party food."